Elvis Aaron

@elvis-aaron · Public Person

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Welcome. This is an independent memorial deeply devoted to honouring the heart and soul of Elvis Aaron Presley, with a special focus on his spiritual journeys, favourite authors and books, his altruism, philanthropy, and open-mindedness. It has been created with a love for what Elvis represents and stands for not only as a singer and actor, but as a person.


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Elvis Aaron


Welcome. IF, UNLIKE ELVIS, YOU'RE NOT A BIG READER, PLEASE SKIP TO THE ESSENTIAL GUIDELINES AT THE END. IF, LIKE ELVIS, YOU HAVE A GENEROUS HEART, PLEASE RESPECT THEM. This is an independent fan page deeply devoted to honouring the heart and soul of Elvis Aaron Presley, with a special focus on his spiritual journeys, favourite authors and books, his altruism, philanthropy, and open-mindedness. It has been created with a love for what Elvis represents and stands for not only as a singer and actor, but as a person, and beyond that, the spiritual enlightenment he wanted people to appreciate on a broader level, beyond association with his name. Notwithstanding the ego pressures of his public persona, Elvis ultimately wished to be instrumental in bringing God's message to people, to be of service in the world not only as an entertainer but as a spiritual teacher and healer. Elvis felt that God exists as a sacred presence within each and every one of us. His faith was committed, complex, and based on extensive reading and inner searching. His lifetime of seeking answers took him far beyond the traditional Gospel teachings of the Christian Bible, into the realms of meditation and the esoteric. He was a member of Paramahansa Yogananda's Self Realisation Fellowship. His love of reading was insatiable and his library of spiritual books vast. He had knowledge of numerology, and was psychically gifted. He wanted dearly to share with others the benefits to be found in spiritual disciplines such as meditation, martial arts, and the demonstration of unconditional generosity. He himself said he didn't mind being controversial because "even Jesus wasn't loved in his day." (To Elvis, being loved was always synonymous with being understood). Our intent is to honour Elvis as a gifted, intelligent, and authentic man on a genuine spiritual journey with its dark nights and glorious awakenings, which deserves to be sustained so it can give courage, motivation and hope to many other questing souls and searching hearts.


ALL ARE WELCOME HERE, BUT YOU ARE REQUIRED TO READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES BEFORE CONTRIBUTING ANY CONTENT OF YOUR OWN 1. This is a personal, non-profit project created with the heartfelt intent of honouring Elvis's intellectual and spiritual ethos and ideals, and making these accessible for future generations to learn from, as Elvis would wish. The preservation herein of Elvis's memory is entirely independent and not in any way affiliated with E.P.E. or any organisation commercially promoting Elvis, his life, official legacy, or the Presley Estate.  2. Admin is committed to protecting the dignity of the person beyond the image, and content will be moderated and approved solely at our discretion and in keeping with a free-spirited ethos as true as possible to who Elvis was in his lifetime, based on extensive, intuitive research of what would meet his own approval if he were here to give it. This has become possible through an intricate, ongoing examination of his words, writings and validated thoughts, feelings and experiences, alongside the accounts of people whose lives were enriched by him and who have sustained the utmost respect for his memory. While not all the content you find here directly relates to him, it will be in keeping with the beliefs and ideals he explored.  3. Out of respect to everyone, we do not refer here to Elvis's personal relationships. This is not a platform or forum for debates, arguments or speculative controversies surrounding his private life, career, or subsequent media coverage of the Presley family. That includes all screen and biopic interpretations of his life, and the majority of biographical publications. 4. Finally, we do not wish to contribute more pressure than already exists to Elvis's celebrity status by promoting him as a phenomenon or making him the recipient of worship that belongs solely to God. Out of respect to his faith, we do not refer to Elvis as "The King" here. Instead, we honour a boundary he asserted in his lifetime: While he appreciated the generosity of fans in calling him this, it was not a title that belonged to him, but to Jesus Christ.  ANY CONTRIBUTIONS FROM MEMBERS FOUND TO BE OUT OF ALIGNMENT WITH THE ABOVE GUIDELINES WILL BE REMOVED AND ANYONE WHO INTENTIONALLY DIRESPECTS THE PROTOCOL FOR BEING HERE WILL HAVE THEIR MEMBERSHIP TO THIS MEMORIAL PAGE PERMANENTLY REVOKED.Â