Wishwa Rani

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Wishwa Rani, a mother, a grandmother and a great grandmother, a woman who never stopped fighting.


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Wishwa Rani

December 18, 1933 – October 29, 2023


Wishwa Rani was a teenager during the partition in india, she suffered and yet still came out of it strong. She held a lot of pain in her heart all her life but she was loved by so many. Although her english wasn’t the best, she never failed at understanding what anyone was saying to her and never failed to respond either. She passed away with a hospital room and waiting room absolutely crowded with people that couldn’t bare to see her depart. She loved pets and a full house, she hated to be alone. She was a beautiful and loving soul and never would’ve been too soon for her to go. She was funny, beautiful, kind, caring, honestly there aren’t enough words to describe this woman but if you met her, you would instantly realise no one could love you the way she would love you. Wishwa Rani is someone I could talk about forever but I truly hope it isn’t forever until I can see her again. Wishwa Rani was and always will be loved unconditionally. We all miss you Nani.